An attractive and fast growing Native Hibiscus. A long flowering medium sized shrub rarely troubled by pests. Prune after spring blooming to encourage new flowering growth. It can have an open habit which will be improved by shaping, as it readily forms a rounded dense shape with regular pruning. Needs a well drained soil and best in a sunny position. A good screening plant and informal hedging. Feed in spring with a good native fertiliser or seaweed solution, and mulch well to deter weed growth. Tolerates light frost. This plant is also known as Alyogyne ‘Swan River’.
Alyogyne huegelii ‘West Coast Gem’ – Native Hibiscus

Family : Malvaceae
Cultivar Name: West Coast Gem
Plant Type : Small shrub, Large shrub
Width : 2
Flowering Time : Spring, Summer, Autumn
Soil Type : Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam
Climate Zone : Sub-tropical, Warm temperate, Mediterranean
Growth Habit : Evergreen, Dense foliage, Spreading
Soil Moisture : Dry, Well-drained
Special Uses : Fast growing
Scientific Name: Alyogyne huegelii
Common Name : Native Hibiscus
Height : 2.5
Flower Color : Purple
pH Level : Neutral
Plant Environment : Low maintenance garden, Poolside, Container growing, Coastal garden, Drought resistant
Light : Sunny
Lifespan : Perennial
Frost Tolerance : Tolerates light frost
Attracts Wildlife : Bees, Butterflies