Explore our extensive database of Australian Native Plants to find the right plant for your garden. Seach our Plant Database Visit our shop to buy plants, books, seeds and so much more! Shop here! I have spent a life time working with and breeding Australian native plants. Here are our plants! Our plants! Visit our shop to buy plants, books, seeds and so much more! Shop here! Wholesale and retail nurseries across Australia stock our plants, books, seeds and fertiliser. Find a Nursery near me! I have spent a life time working with and breeding Australian native plants. Here are our plants. Our plants! Articles by Angus Informative, engaging articles written by Angus Australian Plants24 PostsRead ArticlesContainer Gardening6 PostsRead ArticlesCooking With Native Plants4 PostsRead ArticlesEdible Australian Plants6 PostsRead ArticlesEdible plants34 PostsRead ArticlesFood Farming10 PostsRead ArticlesGeneral gardening52 PostsRead ArticlesGrow Your Own2 PostsRead ArticlesHerbs14 PostsRead ArticlesHome Vegetable Growing10 PostsRead ArticlesKangaroo Paws24 PostsRead ArticlesLandscaping12 PostsRead ArticlesNative Garden Job Calendar12 PostsRead ArticlesNewsletters72 PostsRead ArticlesPlant Database1,285 PostsRead ArticlesPlant Propagation9 PostsRead ArticlesSoil building and composting19 PostsRead ArticlesSoils and other growing media7 PostsRead ArticlesTop Ten Plants20 PostsRead ArticlesWaterwise gardening6 PostsRead ArticlesWeeds2 PostsRead ArticlesWildlife In Your Garden4 PostsRead ArticlesWorm farming22 PostsRead Articles