Articles by Angus

Learn from Australian native plant and gardening expert Angus Stewart … 

Gardening Calendar

Australian native garden job calendar

Angus outlines month by month the jobs you need to do in your garden to ensure happy health plants and soil.

Australian native plants

Discover the wonderful diversity of Australian native plants.

Cooking with Australian Plants

Cooking with Australian native plants

Angus shares some of his favourite recipes using Australian natives plants.

Carpobrotus Rossii Seed Pods Are Edible

Edible Australian native plants

Discover the exciting range of edible Australian native plants now available in nurseries.

Mentha australis - river mint

Edible plants

Be inspired to grow your own edible plants in your backyard with helpful tips from Angus.

Ripping ground for deep planting Blue Gums

Food Farming

Angus shares his experience in food farming how to grow your own food.

How to cut back kangaroo paw old flowers

General gardening

Discover why gardening is wonderfully rewarding, nourishing the body, soul and mind.

Xerochrysum papillosum 'Linda's Pink' - everlasting daisy

Grow Your Own

Have you read Angus's book Grow Your Own? Angus steps you through how to start growing your own food.

Lavender flowers


Angus shares his top tips for growing herbs in the garden.

Anigozanthos 'Landscape Gold' - kangaroo paw

Kangaroo Paws

Learn how to grow and care for your Kangaroo Paws to ensure spectacular flowers and healthy plants.

Christina Kennedy garden, NSW formal garden with Australian plants and pond


Find out how you can use Australian native plants in your garden design. No garden is too small or too grand!

Plant Propagation

Have you read Angus's book Let's Propagate? Discover the joy and techniques of how to propagate your own plants.

compost mate full of worms

Soil building and composting

Discover how to build your soil and the benefits of producing and using your own compost.

Decomposing compost

Soils and other growing media

Explore soil types, mixes and growing media and some top tips to improve what you have in your garden.

Watering first cardboard layer when making ano dig garden

Waterwise gardening

Angus shares his top tips for saving water and using it efficiently in our gardens.

Dichondra repens - kidney weed can be used as a soft lawn alternative


Explore the world of weeds and discover Angus's top tips for controlling them in your garden.

worm castings ready for harvest

Worm farming

Worm farms can be a valuable garden resource for a gardener. Angus explores how to build and keep a worm farm healthy.