‘Copper Tops’ is a hardy spreading shrub with arching branches of fine green foliage and coppery new growth. It has masses of fluffy white flowers in late spring and early summer. The edible greyish white berries that follow are tasty and are produced in autumn. A good bush tucker plant which is also decorative and easy care.
Likes a full sun to part shade spot, in moist but well drained soil. A tough plant that can withstand harsher conditions once it is established. Responds well to pruning, which will encourage more dense growth.
Austromyrtus dulcis x tenuifolia ‘Copper Tops’ – Midyim

Family : Myrtaceae
Cultivar Name: Copper Tops
Plant Type : Small shrub
Width : 1.5
Flowering Time : Spring, Summer
Soil Type : Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam, Potting mix, Poor soil
Climate Zone : Sub-tropical, Warm temperate, Cool temperate, Mediterranean
Growth Habit : Evergreen, Dense foliage, Mound-shaped
Soil Moisture : Well-drained, Moist moderate drainage
Special Uses : Edible, Decorative fruit, Playground friendly
Scientific Name: Austromyrtus dulcis x tenuifolia
Common Name : Midyim
Height : 1
Flower Color : White, Cream
pH Level : Acid, Neutral
Plant Environment : Low maintenance garden, Courtyard, Container growing, Coastal garden
Light : Sunny, Light shade
Lifespan : Perennial
Frost Tolerance : Tolerates light frost
Attracts Wildlife : Bees, Seed eating birds, Butterflies