Corymbia ficifolia - Flowering Gum
Corymbia ficifolia - Flowering Gum
Corymbia ficifolia - Flowering Gum
One of the best gum trees for producing spectacular flowering, and a useful height as a shade tree. They can be variable when seed grown, coming in a range of colours from red, pink through to orange and white, and can have two toned flowers are well. They can also range in height from 2 metre mallee forms to 15 metre trees. If you want a known colour and height, it is best to get one of the beautiful grafted and named forms available, but seedling grown plants can give a lovely plant. If using as a street tree, the large gum nuts will need to be picked up as they drop so as not to create a tripping hazard, but this small inconvenience is worth it for the flower show, which also attracts small and large nectar loving wildlife. They are best in the southern states as humidity can be a problem for them.