

An exciting new addition to the ‘Gardening with Angus’ shop is A.B Bishop’s book, ‘Habitat.’ A magnificently illustrated, practical guide to creating a wildlife friendly Australian garden. Habitat covers the importance of understanding how all aspects of the backyard ecosystem are interlinked in order to create a truly authentic and effective habitat for a range of different creatures. This book is packed with information and includes a detailed plant directory. It also provides instruction on what plants (both exotic and native) suit what creatures and why. ‘Habitat’ is truly an inspiring and informative read from cover to cover. A.B Bishop co-authored with Angus Stewart the award winning book ‘The Australian Native Garden.’ ‘Habitat’ is her first solo book, and is a soft cover edition. The passion for wildlife and conservation is uplifting and definitely shines through this book.


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SKU: ISBN9781760523473 Category: