Native Hibiscus are great garden performers, being fast growing and of a naturally rounded habit, with beautiful large pink flowers with red centres. Melissa Anne is an outstanding, long flowering medium sized shrub, useful for screening and informal hedging. Prune after spring flowering to encourage a dense habit and new flowering growth. Needs a well drained soil, and best in a sunny spot. Tolerates some frost, but dislikes wind. Feed with a good native fertilizer in warm months, watering afterwards to prevent leaf or root burn.
Alyogyne hakeifolia ‘Melissa Anne’ – Native Hibiscus

Family : Malvaceae
Cultivar Name: Melissa Anne
Plant Type : Large shrub
Width : 2
Flowering Time : Summer, Autumn
Soil Type : Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam
Climate Zone : Sub-tropical, Warm temperate, Mediterranean
Growth Habit : Evergreen
Soil Moisture : Well-drained, Moist moderate drainage
Special Uses : Erosion control
Scientific Name: Alyogyne hakeifolia
Common Name : Native Hibiscus
Height : 2.5
Flower Color : Red, Pink
pH Level : Acid, Neutral, Alkaline
Plant Environment : Low maintenance garden, Poolside, Container growing, Cottage garden, Flower garden, Coastal garden, Drought resistant
Light : Sunny
Lifespan : Perennial
Frost Tolerance : Tolerates light frost
Attracts Wildlife : Bees, Butterflies