Asplenium australis - Birds Nest Fern
Asplenium australasicum - birds nest fern
Asplenium australasicum - birds nest fern
Asplenium australasicum, the birds nest fern, is an epiphytic fern that sends out large fronds from a central point, making a lovely nest shaped plant. Once established, they can grow quite large, making a dramatic statement for a shaded or semi shaded position. They can grow in trees, on rocks, or can grow in a well drained but moist soil. They also make good container plants.
Birds nest ferns need a shaded to half shaded position, as full sun will burn the fronds. Asplenium australasicum can withstand some frost. They can be fed with a half strength liquid fertiliser through the warmer months.
Read more about Native Ferns, Palms and Cycads