The common name of this Banksia refers to the intriguing form of the seed pods, which make wonderful specimens for floristry and floral art.
Native to only a small area north of Perth, this Banksia deserves to be more widely cultivated for its unusual features.
Likes a well drained light or medium soil, and part to full sun. It is somewhat drought tolerant, although not so tolerant of frost. A little extra watering in dry summer periods is beneficial. Banksias are phosphorus sensitive, so a good native fertiliser is best when it comes to feeding time.
Can be used as a low windbreak as well.
Banksia laricina – Rose-fruited Banksia

Family : Proteaceae
Cultivar Name:
Plant Type : Small shrub, Large shrub
Width : 3
Flowering Time : Autumn, Winter
Soil Type : Sandy, Loamy, Sandy loam, Poor soil
Climate Zone : Warm temperate, Cool temperate, Mediterranean, Semi-arid
Growth Habit : Evergreen, Open foliage
Soil Moisture : Dry, Well-drained
Special Uses : Cut flower, Decorative fruit
Scientific Name: Banksia laricina
Common Name : Rose-fruited Banksia
Height : 2
Flower Color : Yellow
pH Level : Acid, Neutral, Alkaline
Plant Environment : Low maintenance garden, Flower garden, Drought resistant
Light : Sunny, Light shade
Lifespan : Perennial
Frost Tolerance : Tolerates light frost
Attracts Wildlife : Nectar eating birds