Boronia megastigma - brown boronia
Boronia megastigma - brown boronia
Boronia megastigma - brown boronia
A small shrub growing to a metre high, and while it can be touchy and short lived, it is worth growing for the beautifully perfumed flowering in spring. The small but numerous blooms make good cut flowers, are in shades of brown to reddish shades with contrasting yellow centres and the scent is unmistakable. It is often pot grown where it can be moved to where the fragrance can be best appreciated. The best garden growing conditions are in dappled shade, in moist but well drained soils, and it loves a cool root run, which can be ensured with a good layer of mulch. A large rock or two will also help. Feed with a good native fertilizer before flowering, and a light tip prune after flowering is beneficial.