With prominent pink flowers and soft grey foliage, this form of Zieria cytisoides is a great plant for a variety of situations. The foliage is downy and aromatic and the star-shaped pink flowers appear in abundance in late winter and spring. It is best planted in...
Plant Database
Tetratheca thymifolia alba – Black Eyed Susan
A white flowered form of the Black Eyed Susan, this shrub is ideal as a container plant, in rockeries and for sheltered coastal areas. It is a low shrub which blooms with abundant white flowers in late winter and spring...
Bracteantha bracteata ‘Kimberley Sunset’ – Everlasting Daisy
A perennial form of the everlasting daisy, featuring the sunset tones of deep yellow overlaid with pink, and flowering through three seasons of the year. This is a versatile plant, which can be used to great effect in mixed...
Grevillea lavandulacea x alpina ‘Jelly Baby’
Ideal as a groundcover, this is a dense, mounding grevillea with striking and plentiful pink flowers, which resemble jelly babies. These form a contrast to the understated grey foliage. This plant excels particularly when...
Adenanthos sericeus ‘Mallee Legend’ – Woolly Bush
This Adenanthos cultivar provides beautiful silver downy foliage in the garden, with the advantages of also having low water needs and low maintenance needs. It is well suited for creating a low hedge, or providing...
Adenanthos cunninghamii ‘Lighthouse’ – Woolly Bush
A sculptural cultivar of Adenanthos, this plant has a tall and dense form resembling a pillar. Grown primarily for its silvery, soft smooth foliage, it also produces small red flowers in spring which attract birds with...
Micromyrtus ciliata ‘Prostrate form’ – Fringed Myrtle
This prostrate form of the Fringed Myrtle makes an ideal groundcover, with vivid green scented foliage. Blooms abundantly in spring with white to pink flowers, which turn to a deep red colour. A wonderful choice for...
Prostanthera ovalifolia variegata – Variegated Mint Bush
A novel variegated form of the Mint Bush, this plant has strong visual and olfactory appeal. The dainty purple flowers appearing in spring contrast well with the downy soft variegated foliage. Place this somewhere in the garden where you can appreciate the refreshing,...
Thomasia pygmaea – Tiny Thomasia
A small but striking plant hailing from the south-west of Western Australia, thomasia bears the unusual forms of intriguing magenta spotted lantern-shaped flowers in spring and summer. These small reddish speckles also...
Pandorea pandorana ‘Lemon Glitters’ – Wonga Wonga Vine
A free flowering form of the handsome Wonga Wonga Vine, 'Lemon Glitters' produces a great profusion of blossoms which completely cover the plant in late winter and spring. The verdant green foliage also looks attractive all...
Rhodanthe chlorocephala ssp rosea – Everlasting Daisy
This annual everlasting daisy is superb for creating native wildflower meadow effects, and has flowers which range from pure white to deep pink, with contrasting bright yellow or deep black centres. Each stem is topped with a flower, and...
Rhodanthe anthemoides ‘Southern Stars’ – Paper Daisy
A lovely compact mounding everlasting daisy that gets covered in papery white flowers with a contrasting yellow centre from early spring and all through summer. It is best in sunny spots and needs regular watering if...
Dampiera stenophylla ‘Hazy Days’ – Dampiera
A low growing and suckering perennial with gorgeous sky blue flowers which will colour the garden from winter to spring. It has attractive grey green foliage. It likes a moist but free draining soil, and is also...
Syzygium luehmannii – Riberry Lilly Pilly
A medium sized ornamental rainforest tree with glossy green foliage that can be used for hedging, shade and for screening and wind breaks. It has large decorative pink to red fruit that can be eaten straight from the plant as well as made into jams and condiments, and...
Hardenbergia violacea ‘Sea of Purple’ – Hardenbergia
A spectacular yet tough and easy care ground covering plant, Sea of Purple is well named when in flower. It blooms from spring through summer, and the plant fixes nitrogen from the air, which is good for the soil. It grows low to around 3 metres wide, and the dense...
Lomandra longifolia ‘Dalliance’ – Lomandra
A great new larger growing Lomandra with a slim, upright and symmetrical habit. Very tough for gardens and large landscaping projects, and is a good hard wearing yet soft to fall on plant for kids playgrounds. It has vibrant green foliage with profuse perfumed golden...
Lomandra longifolia ‘Easy As’ – Lomandra
An easy care and very dense growing lime green Lomandra that has proven to be as tough as nails for both garden and landscaping work. The fine foliage grows into a symmetrical clump which is very ground covering, self mulching and deterring weed growth. Tolerant of...
Lomandra longifolia ‘Verday’ – Lomandra
The verdant, dark green, narrow foliage is the outstanding feature of this ultra-tough, long-lived lomandra. The fine leaves and slightly weeping habit give this versatile lomandra a beautiful tussocky, grass-like...
Bracteantha bracteata – Everlasting Daisy
This plant is variable, from annual forms to low growing perennial sub-shrubs. There are many colourful annual types available as seed and as bedding plants, as well as lovely named longer lasting varieties. As well as being...
Anigozanthos flavidus ‘Landscape Lilac’ – Kangaroo Paw
Anigozanthos Landscape Lilac is from the Tall and Tough range from Gardening With Angus. It suits most soils and can be grown in sun to part shade. Higher light levels will give better flowering. Blooming in spring with...