A gorgeous and hardy groundcovering little shrub, Little Penta has bright mauve pink flowers in spring and summer. It only grows to around 40 centimetres high and around a metre or two wide. Great for low maintenance gardens, and is adaptable to clay and heavier soils...
Plant Database
Melaleuca fulgens ‘Hot Pink’ – Honey Myrtle
A small shrub that has showy hot pink bottlebrush flowers beautifully tipped with gold. It flowers from spring to summer. It grows to two and a half metres high and a metre and a half wide. A shrub that can be planted and left to its own devices, but pinching out the...
Leucophyta brownii – Cushion Bush
Cushion bush is a great tough shrub for difficult areas, which brings interest to the garden with its textural growth habit. It has silvery grey stems with tiny leaves, and round umbels of silver to pale gold flowers in summer....
Leptospermum petersonii ‘Lemon Lime n Bitters’ – Lemon Scented Tea Tree
A dwarf form of the popular and hardy lemon scented tea tree, Lemon Lime n Bitters grows to only half a metre high and wide. Like the larger version, this tough little shrub has different coloured leaves all at once, from bronze, orange green to pink. It also bears...
Leptospermum hybrid ‘Pink Cascade’ – Tea Tree
A gorgeous small shrub which will delight in spring when it is covered with a profusion of pastel pink flowers. The branches are arched and sculptural and the plant grows to 80 centimetres high and a metre and a half wide....
Kunzea baxteri ‘Solomon’s Pink’
A lovely little shrub that will brighten the winter garden with the pink bottlebrush flowers. It will also make the bird life happy with the nectar laden blooms. It grows to a neat two metres high and a metre wide, which...
Boronia alata – Winged Boronia
A small and upright shrub with pointed leaves and pink star shaped flowers in spring and summer. Native to coastal Western Australia, it likes well drained soils. Grows from half a metre to two metres tall with a width...
Anigozanthos kalbarriensis – Kangaroo Paw
A low growing and compact kangaroo paw, native to the Geraldton region in Western Australia and relatively rare. The flower colour is variable, from yellow to green covered with red velvety hairs, giving them a very tactile...
Acacia littorea – Wattle
The shark tooth wattle is a lovely Western Australian shrub, with interesting triangular leaves and a wonderful flower display in spring. The flowers are yellow and ball shaped, and the shrub is pungent. It is dense...
Acacia alcockii – Wattle
A low growing shrub with an open habit, native the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. It has pale yellow ball flowers along the stems in spring and interesting bubbled seed pods. It grows on sandy soils, and needs good...
Chorizema varium – Flame Pea
The amazing fluorescent flower colours of pink and orange are undoubtedly this plant's main attraction. It grows into a small spreading subshrub that will light up a corner of your garden as a feature plant or also as...
Correa reflexa x alba ‘Lemon Twist’ – Native Fuchsia
The lovely lemon bell-shaped flowers set on tough shiny foliage are the outstanding feature of this hardy bird attracting small shrub. Use it as a feature plant or even as a hedge as it copes well with regular pruning. Trim it at the end of winter as it finishes...
Correa pulchella ‘Remarkable Rocks’ – Native Fuchsia
The salmon coloured flowers in winter is the outstanding feature of this lovely Correa from South Australia. Use it as a small feature shrub in an area where you can enjoy the nectar feeding birds that it will attract. Tip prune the plant when young and give it a...
Correa pulchella x alba ‘Ice Maiden’ – Native Fuchsia
The flared dusky pink flowers combine with attractive dark green foliage are the features of this beautiful native fuchsia. Use it as a small feature shrub in an area where you can enjoy the nectar feeding birds that it will attract. Tip prune the plant when young and...
Carpobrotus rossii ‘White Hot’ – Karkalla
This tough perennial native succulent has beautiful blue-green foliage with large silky white flowers. It is a popular bush tucker plant, and both the fruit and leaves are edible. It makes a good ground cover for a wide...
Acacia cognata ‘Copper Tips’ – River Wattle
This is a tall growing form of the River Wattle that has beautiful coppery new foliage that contrasts nicely with the masses of yellow flowers in spring. Use it as a very fast growing screen and feature plant that will...
Calothamnus quadrifidus – One Sided Bottlebrush
Like its namesake and close relative, the bottlebrush (Callistemon species), One Sided Bottlebrush combines toughness with attractive flowers and foliage. It makes a great hedge or general garden shrub that will...
Athertonia diversifolia – Atherton Oak
The beautiful, large glossy foliage is the most striking feature of this Australian rainforest tree. It can be used as a feature tree for parks and larger landscaping areas or as a striking foliage plant (you can also...
Glochidion ferdinandi – Cheese Tree
The unusual cheese-shaped fruits that open to reveal showy bright red seeds are a feature of this medium sized tree. Its dense canopy and fast growing habit makes it a good shade tree, and it is a good nesting site for...
Grevillea baileyana – Brown Silky Oak
The beautiful, large, glossy foliage with a rusty tinge to the undersurface is complemented by sprays of honey-scented cream coloured flowers in summer. It is a medium to large tree that can grow well as far south as...