The delicate mauve flowers that are plentiful in spring and summer and its ground covering habit are the key features of this lovely little plant from the mint family. It is fantastic for pots & hanging baskets and also makes an excellent rockery plant. Give it a...
Plant Database
Grevillea montana
Unusual delicate green and red flowers are produced for most of the year on a compact mounding shrub. It tolerates some shade and so makes a very useful understorey shrub for lightly shaded gardens. Give it a light trim at the end of spring to keep it tidy. [gallery...
Grevillea rosmarinifolia ‘Scarlet Sprite’
The dense mounding habit of this neat shrub features a prolific display of scarlet flowers over an extended period. The mid-green prickly needle-like foliage is great for providing bird habitat so use this as a...
Grevillea juniperina ‘Pink Lady’
This is a very tough and very attractive ground cover shrub with delicate pink coronet-shaped flowers most of the year but peaking in Spring. It grows to half a metre high and spreads to 2 metres wide, with fine but...
Grevillea ‘Flora Gold’
Masses of golden flower clusters that open to a beautiful yellow set amongst soft oval green leaves are the key features of this lovely little grevillea. Use it as a shrub for the front of the garden where you will be able...
Grevillea ‘Carol Ann’
Grevillea Carol Ann is a decumbent hardy plant 2 m in width. It has dense non prickly foliage with an occasional upward growing branch. It bears dark red spider flowers over a long period. It is frost and drought...
Goodenia ovata ‘Prostrate’
This is a very tough ground covering plant that features buttercup yellow flowers over an extended period in spring and summer and bright green fleshy leaves. It is great for spilling over walls or as a border or rockery plant that can spread over a reasonable area....
Boronia pinnata ‘South West Rocks’
The brilliant display of starry pink flowers in spring is a sight to behold against the attractive dark green feathery foliage. Use it as a feature shrub for a spot with good drainage and a cool root run such as a rockery. Trim it back by about 20% after it has...
Asterolasia species ‘Dungowan Creek’
This very rare plant originates from Dungowan Dam in north eastern NSW and features soft grey green oval leaves and gorgeous white starry flowers in spring and summer. It needs a well drained spot so a pot is ideal or...
Acacia pravissima ‘Bushwalk Baby’ – Wattle
This is a delightful low growing wattle with small wedge shaped grey leaves and yellow ball-like flowers in spring. It is perfect for rockeries or gracefully spilling out of a tub, hanging basket or over a retaining...
Dianella longifolia ‘Forte’ – Flax Lily
Dianella Forte is an attractive narrow-leafed form of Dianella longifolia which is found in most regions of Australia and is therefore a very adaptable plant. Dianella Forte flowers in spring but its true worth is as a tough landscape plant. Try Forte in any low...
Callistemon phoeniceus – Bottlebrush
A low-mounding growth habit with bright-red flowers and greyish-green foliage are the key features of this unusual bottlebrush. Using it as groundcover will work particularly well in areas that have poor drainage. Trim back behind the spent flowers at the end of...
Agonis flexuosa ‘Lemon and Lime’ – Willow Peppermint
Striking lemon-yellow foliage ageing to lime-green on a dense weeping small tree are the outstanding attributes of this adaptable form of Willow Peppermint. It makes a great street or feature tree to provide foliage...
Adenanthos sericeus ‘Copper Glow’ – Woolly Bush
The soft, silvery foliage is irresistible to touch and feel and in this cultivar, it has a very distinct and beautiful coppery-coloured tinge on the ends of the branches. It forms a beautiful upright shrub that makes an...
Acacia spathulifolia ‘Gold Carpet’ – Wattle
Profuse golden-yellow flowers on a low-growing shrub with interesting spoon-shaped foliage are the key features of this spectacular wattle. Use it as a feature groundcover to spill over walls and along borders or in a...
Leptospermum polygalifolium ‘Vertical Drop’ – Tea Tree
The unusual cascading prostrate growth habit and a profusion of small white flowers are the key features of this tea tree. It is ideal for use on banks as a groundcover, or for cascading over retaining walls and it is...
Alyogyne ‘Blue Heeler’ – Native Hibiscus
Alyogyne 'Blue Heeler' features gorgeous purple Hibiscus-like flowers and interestingly textured foliage on a low mounding shrub that flowers for many months of the year. Use it as a feature plant for rockeries or towards...
Doryanthes palmeri – Spear Lily
The Spearlily is a favourite with gardeners due to its unique flowerheads and tough upright, clumping growth habit with large sword shaped leaves. It makes a stunning feature plant when in flower, and is good for large containers. It is very easy to maintain by simply...
Grevillea ‘Robyn Gordon’
One of the most popular of all grevilleas due to its compact growth habit, all year round flowering and no fuss nature. It makes a great bird attracting feature shrub that is adaptable to a very wide range of soil types and...
Grevillea ‘Moonlight’
Grevillea Moonlight is one of the best is tough and adaptable and also flowers all year round. It is great as a feature plant due to its flower power but also makes an effective informal screen or...