Sugar Candy produces superb displays of pink flowers in early spring and then again in late summer on an upright large shrub. It makes a great feature plant or can be used for formal or informal hedgework as the new leaf growth is silvery in colour and a feature in...
Plant Database
Melaleuca incana ‘Sea Mist’ – Honey Myrtle
A hardy little shrub growing to a metre and a half high and wide, with dense grey green foliage. It has cream brush flowers in spring. A very good ground cover plant, and does well in containers. A good candidate for bonsai work. Best in full sun in well drained soil....
Melaleuca thymifolia – Honey Myrtle
A dense mounded shrub with small leaves and clusters of attractive and intricate purple flowers that are produced sporadically all year. The small leaf makes it useful as a low growing hedge. Great for shrubberies or...
Rhodanthe anthemoides – Chamomile Sunray
This delightful perennial everlasting daisy is a versatile, frost tolerant plant that often features red flower buds. This is a fantastic feature plant for borders or pots and will generally last for several years if it is...
Halgania cyanea – Blue Mallee Flower
A small perennial shrub to around half a metre tall and wide, bearing intense blue flowers mainly in spring, and sporadically through the rest of the year. It grows from underground suckers, and is a tough plant from inland areas, giving it great drought tolerant...
Gastrolobium praemorsum ‘Brown Butterfly’
The unusual brown foliage with a green edge gives this cultivar its intriguing name. It is a ground covering plant that is great for embankments, as a feature plant spilling over retaining walls or as a potted...
Prostanthera ovalifolia – Oval Leaved Mint Bush
Oval Leaved Mint Bush makes a spectacular feature shrub for the garden when it is smothered in purple flowers in spring. Place it near outdoor entertaining areas so that the strong minty fragrance of the leaves can also be enjoyed as people rub against the plant or if...
Cryptandra scortechinii – Cotton Bush
Cotton Bush makes a fabulous feature shrub in rockeries with its rusty coloured buds, giving way to a mass display of white flowers right through the winter months. It needs good drainage and plenty of sun, but it will tolerate a bit of frost as well. All the...
Hymenosporum flavum – Native Frangipani
The Native Frangipani is one of the most useful Australian rainforest trees for gardens with its fragrant frangipani-like flowers, glossy green leaves and disitinctive upright pyramidal shape. It grows well over a wide range of...
Grevillea juniperina – Juniper-leafed Grevillea
This is a very tough and easy care Grevillea that makes an excellent shelter for small birds, due to its somewhat prickly foliage and a profusion of showy, nectar-laden flowers. There are many different forms available that vary in flower colour and plant habit, from...
Tetratheca thymifolia – Black Eyed Susan
This is a delightful small shrub that provides a brilliant spring display with its pendulous black-centred bell-shaped blooms. It forms a multi-stemmed plant that is surprisingly tough when grown in a well drained...
Dicksonia antarctica – Soft Tree Fern
This very tough tree fern is probably the best choice if you are looking for a reliable fern for a shady position in the garden. The graceful fronds are produced throughout the warmer months of the year once the plant gets fully established, a time when it is also...
Orthrosanthus multiflorus – Morning Iris
Morning Iris is one of those wonderful grass-like clumping plants that look fantastic with very little effort and also brings a rare true blue flower into your colour scheme in the garden. A member of the Iris...
Callistemon ‘Ted Knight’ – Bottlebrush
This is one of the few white flowered bottlebrush available for gardeners. It is an upright shrub that flowers profusely in spring and then flowers again in summer and autumn with this repeat flowering being another...
Kunzea baxteri – Crimson Kunzea
Crimson Kunzea is outstanding for its showy bright red bottlebrush flower heads that appear sporadically for most of the year. It is a small to medium shrub that has a spreading habit. It makes a good feature plant but the fine foliage also makes it suitable as a...
Alloxylon pinnatum – Dorrigo Waratah
The Dorrigo Waratah is a very attractive small tree with its dark green glossy leaves and red wheel-like flower heads. It can be difficult to establish but give it a sheltered position in a deep, well-drained loamy...
Callistemon ‘All Aglow’ – Bottlebrush
Callistemon All Aglow is a stunningly beautiful bottlebrush that is highlighted by pink to orange new growth and bright pink brushes with red undertones. All Aglow is an upright shrub growing to around 2.5m tall. It...
Acacia vestita – Hairy Wattle
The weeping greyish foliage coupled with a manageable size and brilliant spring displays of golden yellow flowers have made this a very popular wattle in cultivation. It forms a medium to tall shrub with very dense...
Acacia iteaphylla – Flinders Range Wattle
This adaptable wattle features beautiful silvery weeping foliage with a great display of pale yellow flowers in spring. It is a medium to large shrub with longish, narrow leaves and it varies in the degree to which...
Boea hygroscopica – Rock Violet
This is Australia's answer to the African Violet to which it is closely related. It has the amazing characteristic that the leaves can dry down to a crunchy texture yet recover fully when watered again. Its textured...