This is a very showy plant from Western Australia that performs well in both dry or moist conditions and its versatility in this regard is perhaps its most useful feature. It grows into a small shrub that is ideal as a...
Plant Database
Bauera rubioides – River Rose
This is one of those extremely useful Australian native shrubs that grows well in moist soils and also flowers well in shady spots. The River Dog Rose is commonly found growing along shady creek banks in eastern Australia where it...
Babingtonia virgata ‘Howie’s Sweet Midget’ – Heath Myrtle
This is a very useful low growing and dense shrub that is virtually maintenance free due to its naturally very compact growth habit. The tiny leaves and bun-shaped growth make it suitable as a low hedge or feature shrub with...
Austromyrtus dulcis – Midgenberry
This versatile small shrub is one of the best bush tucker plants of all, featuring small but sweet-tasting berries that are borne in profusion in late summer and early autumn. It makes an attractive border, rockery or pot...
Araucaria heterophylla – Norfolk Island Pine
A very large, stately specimen tree that is particularly useful for exposed coastal positions as it looks good even when exposed to harsh salt laden winds. Its pyramidal shape is its very distinctive feature but it should be...
Angophora costata – Sydney Red Gum
The gnarled trunk and beautiful smooth orange bark combine to make this suitable as a feature tree for large spaces such as public parks. It grows in very poor and sandy soils and needs very little maintenance once it...
Wollemia nobilis – Wollemi Pine
This Australian native conifer caused a sensation when it was discoverd in the wilderness of Wollemi National Park in NSW. It is related to the Bunya and Norfolk Island Pine and has a similar pyramid shape when mature. The...
Bauera rubiodes x sessiliflora ‘Rose Carpet’ – River Rose
A charming small shrub that flowers all year round, with good flushes of flowers in spring and summer. A really useful plant for those difficult half shady and moist areas, and flowers well in these situations. It also...
Westringia fruticosa ‘Flat’n’Fruity’ – Coastal Rosemary
This is a great prostrate version of that tough old favourite plant, Westringia or Coastal Rosemary. This is a very compact form and is very adaptable to most situations. Its grey-green foliage and small white...
Westringia fruticosa ‘Seafoam Swell’ – Coastal Rosemary
This is a very compact, free-flowering form of the extremely adaptable Coastal Rosemary. Its peak flowering is in spring but flowers can be found on the plant at most times of the year. It is a perfect option as a low growing hedge or informal screen plant, but its...
Clematis hybrid ‘Southern Stars’
A beautiful Australian native Clematis with starry white flowers that can be used either as a climber or as a superb ground cover. It is a relatively quick growing plant that has a mounding growth habit. It makes a...
Leptospermum laevigatum ‘Shore Tuff’ – Coastal Tea Tree
This is a very tough plant with grey-green foliage and bronze coloured new growth that is a great new alternative as a hedge or informal screen plant for difficult conditions such as coastal areas. 'Shore Tuff' is a compact form of the Australian native Coastal Tea...
Leptospermum laevigatum ‘Fore Shore’ – Tea Tree
This is a very tough plant with grey-green foliage and bronze coloured new growth. It is a great new alternative as a hedge or informal screen plant for difficult conditions, such as coastal areas. 'Fore Shore' is a compact form of the Australian native Coastal Tea...
Grevillea ‘Winter Delight’
The abundant red and cream winter flowering of this lovely compact Grevillea is its outstanding feature as the name suggests. The soft, grey foliage provides interest when the plant is not in flower. It needs a...
Dianella tasmanica ‘Rainbow’ – Flax Lily
This is primarily a plant grown for its striking pinkish red new foliage that ages to a green and white variegation. It is a clumping style of plant that is perfect for narrow spaces and pot culture. It is also useful as an extensive landscape plant for roadside areas...
Dianella tasmanica ‘Lime Splice’ – Flax Lily
This is primarily a plant grown for its lime green foliage which also features new growth tinged with pink for further interest. Small blue flowers and cobalt blue berries also an an extra dimension in late winter through to spring. It is a clumping style of plant...
Correa ‘Canberra Bells’ – Native Fuchsia
Canberra's centenary demanded a very special Australian plant be selected to commemorate the event in the nation's gardens. This delicate new hybrid correa features brightly bicoloured flowers in red and white...
Brachyscome ‘Lemon Twist’ – Native Daisy
This is a superb ground covering native daisy that is one of the best of the yellow flowering cultivars of brachyscome. It has an extended flowering season through the warmer months of the year. It is a perennial ground cover...
Hakea ‘Stockdale Sensation’
This is a compact new type of pincushion hakea that features a spectacular display of flowers through the winter, at a time of year when not much else is flowering. The red and white pincushion flower heads make this a wonderful candidate as a feature shrub in the...
Alyogyne ‘Delightfully Double’ – Native Hibiscus
The unique feature of this excellent shrub is that it is the first native hibiscus with a double flower (ie the flower has an extra row of petals). It is a fast growing medium sized shrub that makes a superb feature plant in...