Wynabbie Gem is a hybrid of Westringia fruticosa and W. eremicola, and is a medium sized shrub with soft grey-green foliage and a sprinkling of mauve flowers all year round. Attractive as a specimen or flowering...
Plant Database
Westringia fruticosa ‘Jervis Gem’ – Coastal Rosemary
A small shrub with soft grey-green foliage and a sprinkling of mauve flowers for most of the year. Attractive as a specimen or flowering container plant; ideal for formal and informal hedging and screening,...
Westringia ‘Glabra Cadabra’ – Coastal Rosemary
A hardy shrub with soft grey-green foliage and mauve flowers, growing to around 1.5 metres high and wide. Attractive as a specimen or flowering container plant; ideal for formal and informal hedging and...
Westringia fruticosa ‘Smokey’ – Coastal Rosemary
A small shrub with soft grey-green and white variegated foliage with small white flowers, which are attractive to butterflies and harmless native bees. Attractive as a specimen or flowering container plant; ideal for...
Westringia fruticosa ‘Mundi’ – Coastal Rosemary
A prostrate shrub with soft grey-green foliage and small white flowers which are attractive to butterflies and harmless native bees. A very tough ground cover. Grows in a wide range of soils, and is well suited to coastal positions, as it is very salt tolerant....
Westringia fruticosa ‘Morning Light’ – Coastal Rosemary
A small shrub with soft grey-green and yellow variegated foliage with small white flowers, which are attractive to butterflies and harmless native bees. Attractive as a specimen or flowering container plant; ideal for formal hedging and for mid level screening. Grows...
Westringia ‘Edna Walling Rosemary’ – Coastal Rosemary
A small shrub with soft grey-green foliage to complement the dainty violet-lilac flowers, which are attractive to butterflies and harmless native bees. Attractive as a specimen or flowering container plant; ideal for formal hedging and for mid level screening. Grows...
Wahlenbergia stricta ‘Blue Mist’ – Native Bluebell
Dwarf, tufted, herbaceous perennial with small leaves and stunning double royal blue flowers. A great rockery or border plant that is also good for hanging baskets and pots as well. Does well in a wide range of soils.
Viola hederacea ‘Baby Blue’ – Native Violet
A spreading herbaceous perennial with attractive deep green foliage and delicate blue violet flowers most of the year. An outstanding ground cover that flowers well in deep shade. Also makes a great pot plant.
Tristaniopsis laurina ‘Winter Red’ – Water Gum
A small, dense shrub with attractive deep green foliage with bronze-red new growth and yellow flowers in summer. A great plant for shrubberies, low hedges, topiary and pot culture. It is very hardy, and is troubled by few...
Tristaniopsis laurina ‘Luscious’ – Water Gum
A small tree with attractive broad deep green foliage with copper-coloured new growth and yellow flowers in summer. A dense habit, larger leaves and brightly coloured new growth distinguish this cultivar from other forms of this species. A great specimen or shade...
Tristaniopsis laurina ‘Hot Tips’ – Water Gum
A large shrub with attractive broad variegated red yellow and green foliage that is particularly vivid in the new growth and yellow flowers in summer. A feature plant for year round interest. It is very hardy, and is...
Thysanotus multiflorus ‘Frilly Knickers’ – Fringe Lily
A clumping grass-like perennial with attractive narrow bluish-green foliage and masses of delicately fringed flowers. Good for a sunny rockery, raised bed, border or in a pot.
Thryptomene saxicola ‘Supernova’ – Heath Myrtle
A small spreading shrub with horizontal branching habit, tiny aromatic leaves with white flowers. Main flowering is in spring, with spot flowering at other times through the year. Thryptomene is a great cut flower....
Themeda triandra ‘Mingo’ – Kangaroo Grass
A low spreading, tufting grass with attractive blue-green foliage and unusual flowers. An intriguing ground cover alternative or border plant. The seeds are edible and can be ground into a flour.
Tetratheca ‘Bicentennial Belle’ – Black Eyed Susan
A dwarf, lightly suckering shrub with compact foliage covered in clusters of perfumed bright pink-mauve bells most of the year, especially in spring and autumn. The massed flowers are especially attractive to butterflies. Blends beautifully with other small shrubs in...
Telopea speciosissima ‘Wirrimbirra White’ – Waratah
A dense medium to large shrub with broad pale green foliage with large white fowers. Needs a protected position as the flower bracts tend to burn in full sun or wind. A great feature shrub for general garden beds or rockeries. Also suitable for a large container and...
Telopea speciosissima ‘Shade of Pale’ – Waratah
Telopea 'Shade of Pale' is an unusual and beautifully coloured waratah, with pale bracts surrounding a centre suffused with pink. It grows to a dense medium to large shrub with broad pale green foliage. A great feature shrub for general garden beds or rockeries. Also...
Telopea speciosissima ‘Pink Passion’ – Waratah
A beautiful waratah that has proven its worth over the years, with large pure pink flowers. A dense medium to large shrub with broad pale green foliage. A great feature shrub for general garden beds or rockeries. Also suitable for a large container and is a great cut...
Telopea speciosissima ‘Fire and Brimstone’ – Waratah
A dense medium to large shrub with deep green foliage with large red flowers with white tips to the stigmas. Needs a protected position as the flower bracts tend to burn in full sun or wind. A great feature shrub for general garden beds or rockeries. Also suitable for...