A dense medium to large shrub with deep green foliage with large red dome-shaped flowers. Needs a protected position as the flower bracts tend to burn in full sun or wind. A great feature shrub for general garden beds or rockeries. Also suitable for a large container...
Plant Database
Telopea speciosissima ‘Ballerina’ – Waratah
A dense medium to large shrub with deep green foliage with cone-shaped bright red blooms. A great feature shrub for general garden beds or rockeries. Also suitable for a large container and is a great cut flower. Does best in a well drained acid soil, and likes a...
Telopea ‘Shady Lady Red’ – Waratah
A dense medium to large shrub with grey-green foliage with large red flat flower heads. A cross between T. speciosissima and oreades, which makes it a good garden performer. A great feature shrub for general garden...
Telopea ‘Shady Lady Pink’ – Waratah
A dense medium to large shrub with grey-green foliage with large pink flat flower heads. A cross between T. speciosissima and oreades. A great feature shrub for general garden beds or rockeries. Also suitable for a large container and is a great cut flower. Likes a...
Telopea ‘Golden Globe, Shady Lady Yellow’ – Waratah
A dense medium to large shrub with grey-green foliage with large yellow flat flower heads. Fantastic new waratah that is a cross between Telopea Speciosissima x truncatta and T. oreades. The yellow flowers are a new colour in waratah cultivars. A great feature shrub...
Telopea speciosissima ‘Corroboree’ – Waratah
A dense medium to large shrub with broad grey-green foliage with large red, flat flower heads providing nectar flow for eager honeyeaters. A great feature shrub for general garden beds or rockeries. Also suitable for a large container and is a great cut flower. Best...
Telopea ‘Braidwood Brilliant’ – Waratah
A dense small shrub with broad deep green foliage with red, medium sized flat flower heads. A great feature shrub for general garden beds or rockeries. Also suitable for a large container and is a great cut flower, which helps to prune the plant as well. Likes a well...
Telopea ‘Bridal Gown, Shady Lady White’ – Waratah
Fantastic new waratah that is a cross between Telopea Speciosissima and T. oreades. A dense medium to large shrub with broad deep green foliage with medium sized flower heads providing nectar flow for eager honeyeaters. Beautiful snow white flower colour. Needs a...
Tecomanthe hillii ‘Edna Walling Island Belle’ – Fraser Island Creeper
A climber of moderate density and vigour, with glossy pinnate foliage, and spectacular clusters of large waxy pink bells from spring through summer, pollinated by native bees, moths and insects, and honeyeaters. Performs beautifully as an elegant courtyard plant, on...
Syzygium paniculatum ‘Little Lil’ – Lilly Pilly
A small shrub with medium sized glossy dark green foliage and bronze to yellow or pink new growth that is a distinguishing feature of this cultivar. Medium sized white flowers are followed by magenta fruits. A great feature, screen, hedge or topiary plant that is also...
Acacia excelsa – Ironwood Wattle
A fine looking tree, important for shelter and shade in inland regions, this Acacia is hardy to both frost and drought and can live quite some time. The wood of this acacia is hard and has a beautiful grain....
Syzygium paniculatum ‘Lillyput’ – Lilly Pilly
A small to medium shrub with medium sized glossy dark green foliage and pink to red new growth that is a distinguishing feature of this cultivar. Medium sized white flowers are followed by magenta fruits. A great feature, screen, hedge or topiary plant that is also...
Syzygium paniculatum ‘Beachball’ – Lilly Pilly
A small shrub with medium sized glossy dark green foliage and pink new growth. Medium sized white flowers are followed by magenta fruits. A great feature, screen, hedge or topiary plant that is also good for pots. The fruit is edible and can be made into jams.
Syzygium luehmannii ‘Sunset Mist’ – Lilly Pilly
A small shrub with narrow, medium sized white and green variegated glossy foliage and purplish new growth that is a distinguishing feature of this cultivar. Small white flowers are followed by pinkish fruits. A great feature, screen, hedge or topiary plant that is...
Syzygium luehmannii ‘Petite Blush’ – Lilly Pilly
A small shrub with narrow, medium sized glossy foliage and mid-pink new growth. Small white flowers are followed by pinkish fruits. A great feature, screen, hedge or topiary plant that is also good for pots. The fruit is edible and is a gourmet bush food, can be...
Syzygium luehmannii ‘Lulu’ – Lilly Pilly
A large shrub with narrow, medium sized glossy foliage and hot pink new growth. Small white flowers are followed by reddish fruits. A great feature, screen, hedge or topiary plant that is also good for pots....
Syzygium luehmannii ‘Little Lucy’ – Lilly Pilly
A small to medium shrub with narrow, medium sized glossy foliage and dark red new growth that is a distinguishing feature of this cultivar. Small white flowers are followed by pinkish fruits. A great feature, screen, hedge or topiary plant that is also good for pots....
Syzygium francisii ‘Little Gem’ – Lilly Pilly
A small shrub with mid-sized glossy green leaves with attractive red and pink new growth. White powder-puff flowers are followed by mauve fruits that attract birds. The fruit is hard and tasteless, but edible. A great...
Syzygium francisii ‘Glossy Gem’ – Lilly Pilly
A dwarf shrub with large glossy green leaves with attractive pink new growth that is a distinguishing feature of this cultivar. It has white powder-puff flowers followed by mauve fruits that attract birds. The fruit is hard and tasteless, but is edible if you are...
Syzygium ‘Cascade’ – Lilly Pilly
Cascade is a beautiful mid sized shrub with mid-sized glossy apple green leaves with attractive red and pink new growth. Spectacular pink powder-puff flowers in summer are followed by pinkish fruits that are edible...