A dwarf and naturally dense form of the popular tree, grows to only a metre high and wide. It has large glossy leaves and yellow perfumed flowers in summer. Great feature or pot plant that can be used indoors...
Plant Database
Hibiscus geranioides ‘La Belle’ – Native Hibiscus
A small free flowering shrub with interesting divided foliage; profuse pink flowers are visited by butterflies. Plant en masse for a showy display in open landscapes, or as a long flowering container plant for deck, patio...
Hibbertia ‘Sun Drops’ – Guinea Flower
A tiny compact shrublet with neat dark foliage and bright yellow guinea flowers in spring-early summer, pollinated by insects. Plant as edging for pathways or paving; dotted amongst other dainty-foliaged plants in...
Hardenbergia violacea ‘White Out’
A vigorous climbing form of this wonderful pioneer plant with dark green leaves that contrast beautifully with the snow white flowers. This plant makes a great ground cover but will also climb vigorously if given...
Hardenbergia violacea ‘Sweet Heart’
A vigorous climber with attractive heart-shaped leaves that are useful for cut foliage in floral arrangements. Ideal to provide a quick screen covering fences, pergolas. Planted in open areas, it forms a dense ground...
Hardenbergia violacea ‘Regent’
An easy care and hardy upright shrub with large leathery leaves. It bears masses of sprays of purple pea flowers in late winter to spring. A great pioneer plant for the new garden. Growing to around one and a half...
Hardenbergia violacea ‘Purple Spray’
A beautiful and versatile plant that can be used as a tidy climber, small shrub, for low hedging and containers. It flowers spring through summer with lovely sprays of bright purple pea flowers which contrast nicely...
Hardenbergia violacea ‘Pink Spray’
A shrubby form of what is normally a climbing species with smaller leaves than other Hardenbergia culltivars. The flowers are a pretty bicoloured pink. The plant may be hedged or shaped as required. Mass plant in...
Hardenbergia violacea ‘Mini Ha Ha’
A shrubby form of what is normally a climbing species with smaller leaves than other Hardenbergia culltivars. The plant may be hedged or shaped as required. Mass plant in your garden to create a feature or low hedge. ...
Hardenbergia violacea ‘Happy Wanderer’
A vigorous climbing form of this wonderful pioneer plant with dark green leaves and long sprays of purple flowers in spring. This plant makes a great ground cover but will also climb vigorously if given something to...
Hardenbergia violacea ‘Free And Easy’ – Hardenbergia
A vigorous climbing form of this wonderful pioneer plant with light green leaves and lavender tinged white flowers. The very subtle mauve flowers are sensational. This plant makes a great ground cover but will...
Hardenbergia violacea ‘Snow White’
A vigorous climbing form of this wonderful pioneer plant with light green leaves and pure white sprays of flowers from mid winter through spring. This plant makes a great ground cover and looks great spilling...
Hardenbergia comptoneana ‘Edna Walling Wild Wisteria’
A vigorous climbing form of this wonderful pioneer plant with large dark green leaves and long racemes of purple flowers. This plant makes a great ground cover but will also climb vigorously if given something to...
Hardenbergia ‘Bushy Blue’
A shrubby form of what is normally a climbing species. The plant may be hedged or shaped as required. It has interesting blue/grey leaves that create year round interest in the garden, and masses of purple flowers in...
Hakea decurrens ‘Pink Lace’
A medium sized shrub with a graceful weeping habit, and sweetly perfumed multi-hued pink flowers. It provides a perfect habitat for many small native birds, including honeyeaters, wrens and thornbills. Great screen plant...
Hakea laurina ‘Mini Pini’
A dwarf selection of the Pincushion Hakea with beautiful spherical flowerheads. Great feature or pot plant. Doesn't like summer humidity.
Hakea ‘Burrendong Beauty’
A low spreading shrub that is absolutely spectacular when in flower. It buds up in autumn and then the deep pink flowers open through winter with contrasting white stamens giving an interesting pin cushion look. A...
Grevillea banksii ‘White Candelabra’
An interesting new plant habit for a large flowered Grevillea. This cultivar is a narrow, pencil-shaped shrub with white flowers from winter to spring. A useful screen or feature plant for narrow areas such as driveways or...
Grevillea ‘Tucker Time Winter Feast’
A gently arching or ground covering plant with neat bluish-green foliage and soft pink new growth. A versatile, long flowering low shrub or ground cover in open garden beds, on slopes and banks. Tolerates medium frost...
Grevillea ‘Tucker Time Entree’
A compact, free-flowering small shrub with soft narrow foliage and delicate tri-coloured flowers. A great source of nectar for honey-eating birds during colder months. A versatile, colourful low shrub for garden beds, or a...