An easy care and colourful groundcovering perennial daisy, with gorgeous grey green foliage and golden orange flower clusters in spring and summer. It grows to around half a metre wide and will cascade over banks and pots. It loves a sunny spot in well drained soil. Give it some native fertiliser in spring. It can be cut back hard after flowering and it will regrow beautifully.
Chrysocephalum apiculatum ‘Desert Orange’ – Everlasting Daisy

Family : Asteraceae
Cultivar Name: Desert Orange
Plant Type : Ground cover
Width : 0.5
Flowering Time : Spring, Summer
Soil Type : Sandy, Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam, Potting mix
Climate Zone : Sub-tropical, Warm temperate, Cool temperate, Mediterranean
Growth Habit : Evergreen, Spreading
Soil Moisture : Well-drained, Moist moderate drainage
Special Uses : Cut flower
Scientific Name: Chrysocephalum apiculatum
Common Name : Everlasting Daisy
Height : 0.3
Flower Color : Orange, Gold
pH Level : Neutral
Plant Environment : Low maintenance garden, Courtyard, Poolside, Container growing, Cottage garden, Flower garden, Coastal garden, Wildflower meadow
Light : Sunny
Lifespan : Perennial
Frost Tolerance :
Attracts Wildlife : Bees, Butterflies, Other insects