A small to medium sized rainforest tree, Davidson’s plum is a popular bush tucker plant. It bears plum sized fruit with intensely purple coloured skin and red flesh right through the fruit when ripe, and they have a very tangy sour flavor- too sour for eating fresh but they make superb jams and sauces. The way the fruit is borne is interesting, as they grow in clusters straight from the trunk.
The tree suits difficult spots in the garden, as they are slender rather than spreading, with a canopy of handsome leaves at the top of the trunk. New foliage is red and furry. They like part sun and will also grow in full sun, and can be pot grown for a time, and can be used indoors for a few weeks at a time as a decorative plant. While they are a rainforest plant and do best in a tropical to sub tropical climate, they can also be grown in more southern states as well in sheltered positions.