A great form of Dianella for landscaping, with attractive variegated green and white foliage that has an attractive red tinge as the new leaves are forming. As the leaves mature lime and yellow vertical streaks intensify along the leaf. Tough,low maintenance plant for borders, pots or as an accent plant, it does well under trees and in shade. Frost and drought tolerant, and good for coastal gardens.
Dianella tasmanica ‘Splice’ – Native Flax

Family : Xanthorrhoeaceae
Cultivar Name: Splice
Plant Type : Grass or grass-like
Width : 0.6
Flowering Time : Spring
Soil Type : Sandy, Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam, Potting mix
Climate Zone : Warm temperate, Cool temperate, Mediterranean, Cool
Growth Habit : Evergreen
Soil Moisture : Dry, Well-drained
Special Uses : Decorative fruit, Erosion control, Pollution tolerant
Scientific Name: Dianella tasmanica
Common Name : Native Flax
Height : 0.6
Flower Color : Blue
pH Level : Neutral
Plant Environment : Low maintenance garden, Courtyard, Poolside, Container growing, Coastal garden, Drought resistant
Light : Sunny, Light shade, Heavy shade
Lifespan : Perennial
Frost Tolerance :
Attracts Wildlife : Bees, Seed eating birds