Elaeocarpus eumundi - Eumundi quandong
Elaeocarpus eumundi - Eumundi quandong
Elaeocarpus eumundi - Eumundi quandong
A slow growing tree from NSW and Queensland rainforest areas, with attractive glossy dense foliage and bronze new growth. The fruit is small and blue following cream scented flowers in early summer. While it can get to 25 metres in the wild, in cultivation it generally grows to around 10 metres tall. It is a relatively narrow width from 3 to 6 metres, making it useful for wind breaks. Frost tender when young. Likes a soil rich in organic matter.
Note: with good watering and soil this tree can be a fast grower, and grow quite large with a large root system, so is not suitable for average sized gardens or near buildings, drains, fences etc