Dec 28, 2015 | Plant Database
This is the best mauve Brachyscome and is a proven great garden and landscape performer. It has a long flowering time, a compact and rounded growth habit and nice divided foliage, and will send out suckering growth which helps it to be a more robust plant. A great...
Dec 28, 2015 | Plant Database
The vibrant purple pink flower colour is a striking feature of this old favourite and very easy care brachyscome. It has a compact suckering growth habit which creates a dense carpet. Flowers mainly in spring, summer and autumn. A terrific groundcover, border plant...
Dec 28, 2015 | Plant Database
A compact mounding daisy that does not sucker. Dark purple flowers are a feature of this tough, colourful plant. Main flowering is in spring and again in summer, with spot flowering through the rest of the year. Great for rockeries, pots and borders. Give it a feed at...
Dec 28, 2015 | Plant Database
An old time favourite Brachyscome that has stood the test of time. It is a compact mounding plant that does not sucker. Pale purple daisy flowers with a lovely contrasting golden centre are produced all year round, with large flushes in spring and again in...
May 27, 2023 | Plant Database
A small sub-shrub perennial/biennial with narrow green foliage and a profusion of golden everlasting flowers through the warm months. A great general garden or pot plant and wonderful cut flower. Flowers best in full sun but will tolerate light shade. This is a...