Pandanus tectorius - pandanus palm
Pandanus tectorius - pandanus palm
Pandanus tectorius - pandanus palm
A really tough, ornamental and useful plant for tropical to sub tropical areas, it grows from a large shrub to small tree size. Native from North Queensland to mid NSW, it also grows on many Pacific islands, where the fruit and leaves are edible, and the fibrous foliage is used for weaving and thatching. The fruit is high in beta-carotene and can be roasted or eaten raw, and the leaves are added to jams and curries.
Growing on most soil types, it is highly wind and salt resistant, though not frost tolerant. Best in full sun, but will also grow in part shade. It has male and female flowers, and only females will produce fruit. It puts down interesting looking aerial stilt roots to help the plant to anchor itself. It can grow quite tall and wide so it is not recommended to plant this near buildings, paths, drains etc