Correa reflexa ‘Northern Belle’ – 8 tubes


****Price includes postage!****

A low, spreading and dense shrub growing around half a metre high and to around 2 metres wide. It is a long flowering plant, mainly in autumn but spot flowering in other seasons as well, and the nectar rich pendulous bell shaped flowers attract small birds and a variety of insects. Likes sun to part shade, lighter to heavier soils as long as they are well drained. Suitable for coastal planting.

****Price includes postage!****

Out of stock

SKU: Co-re-NB-8T Category:

Plants are sent via Australia Express Post, and will be posted on the Monday following their order.

Plants can only be sent to Queensland, NSW, ACT, Victoria and Tasmania. Unfortunately quarantine restrictions mean that we cannot send plants to South Australia, Western Australia or the Northern Territory.