Rhagodia spinescens - spiny saltbush
Rhagodia spinescens - spiny saltbush
Rhagodia spinescens - Saltbush
A small to medium hardy shrub with attractive silvery foliage and a nice dense habit which can be improved with an annual pruning. It can be trimmed to be a hedge planting. A very low maintenance and useful plant for landscaping work, and it is reputed to be fire retardant. Grow in full sun to light shade, in most soil types as long as they get reasonable drainage. Frost and drought tolerant, and suits coastal sites as it is quite salt tolerant. Grows in a wide range of soil types including clay and limey soil. The dense foliage makes good shelter for small creatures like lizards and smaller birds, as it can be thorny, so it is a great habitat plant. It can also provide food for stock in semi-arid areas.