How can I add more colour to my garden?
- It is possible to have wild flower colour in your garden all year with some of the fantastic new Australian plant varieties now on the market. And proven older long flowering varieties such as ‘Bush Pearl’ and ‘Diamond’ kangaroo paws and grevilleas like ‘Robyn Gordon’ and ‘Superb’ will keep your garden colourful and full of birds year long.
- Quick colour annuals such as pansies, petunias and stocks will bring you instant gratification when it comes to colouring your world. Shop till you drop in your local garden centre for bargain bloomers.
- Calabrachoas are a miniature petunia that flower in abundance, and these have been bred to have every colour of the rainbow, with silky petals. They are groundcovering and will also spill over pot and bed edges. One line is aptly called Million Bells.
- There are some amazing and colourful flowering gums on the market now, and with the grafted varieties even gardeners in humid areas can enjoy them. Some of the red and orange shades are almost fluorescent.
- Variegated foliages can provide highlights that will brighten your garden especially when there is not much in bloom
Corymbia-maculata 'Ribbons of Hope'
Alpinia caerulea - red-back native ginger
Acmena smithii 'Mini Magic'
- Colourful foliage is a tremendous way to add year round colour to your garden. Plants such as Corymbia ‘Ribbons of Hope’ will give you bright multi-coloured leaves. The native red backed native ginger, Alpinia caerulea has beautifully coloured leaves.
- Have some fun with mirrors placed in strategic places in your garden can create the illusion of colour by multiplying the effects of flowering plants or those with colourful foliage.
Rainbow lorikeet loving the Corymbia flowers
Correa 'Tucker Time Dinner Bells'
Rosella gorging on nectar
- Plant nectar laden plants which will attract our colourful native parrots. Rainbow lorikeets will brighten the dullest colours for those lucky to live in their natural range.
- Paint is a great way to brighten outdoor furniture. Modern paint lasts brilliantly in the weather. Choose pastel shades or go all out with brights.