Wahlenbergia stricta Fairy Mist has delicate pink flowers on a compact, soft-wooded perennial. It flowers throughout the warmer months of the year. An outstanding plant for a cottage garden style as it forms small clumps that lightly sucker from the roots to ensure the plant’s survival if things get dry. It will tend to spread slowly in the garden by those suckers, so if you wish to limit its influence in the garden then only grow it in a pot. The only maintenance required is to chop off dead flower stems if and when they become unsightly.
Wahlenbergia stricta ‘Fairy Mist’ – Native Bluebell

Family : Campanulaceae
Cultivar Name: Fairy Mist
Plant Type : Grass or grass-like, Clumping perennial
Width : 0.4
Flowering Time : Spring, Summer, Autumn
Soil Type : Sandy, Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam, Potting mix
Climate Zone : Sub-tropical, Warm temperate, Cool temperate, Mediterranean
Growth Habit : Evergreen
Soil Moisture : Well-drained, Moist moderate drainage
Special Uses : Pipe and drain friendly, Fast growing, Playground friendly
Scientific Name: Wahlenbergia stricta
Common Name : Native Bluebell
Height : 0.4
Flower Color : Pink
pH Level : Acid, Neutral
Plant Environment : Low maintenance garden, Courtyard, Poolside, Container growing, Cottage garden, Flower garden, Coastal garden, Wildflower meadow
Light : Sunny, Light shade, Half shade
Lifespan : Perennial
Frost Tolerance : Tolerates light frost
Attracts Wildlife : Butterflies