A new Tall and Tough perennial kangaroo paw, with velvety paw shaped flowers in shades of green in spring and summer. The blooms attract birds to the garden to feed, and make long lasting cut flowers. This variety...
Anigozanthos flavidus hybrid ‘Little Lorikeet’ – Kangaroo Paw
Another Tall and Tough perennial kangaroo paw, with velvety paw shaped red and green flowers in spring and summer. The blooms attract birds to the garden to feed, and make long lasting cut flowers. It suits most...
A Smoke Treatment To Stimulate Australian Plant Germination
Over much of the Australian continent Australian native plants have evolved to survive the regular bushfires that occur regularly, but particularly through the hotter months of the year. Over many thousands of years our First Nation people also developed cool burning...
Anigozanthos viridis – Green Kangaroo Paw
A very attractive small kangaroo paw species with narrow, upright greyish green leaves on a clumping perennial plant. It flowers from late winter and extends through to mid spring, in shades of bright green infused...
Composting: Frequently Asked Questions
Q - What is an ideal pH of compost? A - Excessively high acidity or alkalinity levels can hinder the efficiency of worms and microorganisms at work in a compost bin. The ideal conditions for maximum efficiency is a neutral reading of 7.0. The composting process often...
Pickled Karkalla Recipe
A great use of Karkalla (Carpobrotus rossii - native pigface) leaves. The pickled leaves can be used in salads, on sandwiches, cheese platters etc Ingredients- 1/2 cup white vinegar 1/2 cup water 2 tablespoons caster sugar 1 tablespoon of mustard seeds 2 cups of...
Worm Farming: Frequently Asked Questions
Q - I have had my farm for a few years....do I need to add some new worms or can I just keep going with the ones I have ? A - If the worm farm is working well and processing everything you put in, then it is fine to keep on with the ones you have. Q - My worm blanket...
Using Liquid From The Worm Farm
Like many things in life there is often more than one way to do something and feeding your plants with liquid from the worm farm is one example of these. Worm castings are packed with nutrients and beneficial microorganisms that are known to improve soil health and...
What Items Can I Put Into My Compost and Worm Farm?
I Often get asked the question about what you can and can't put into your compost or worm farm. Strictly speaking the answer is that anything that was once living can be composted or put into the worm farm, however, in practical terms the answer is not as straight...
Worm Farm Blankets
You may have read or heard about the use of worm blankets, and conjured up pictures of tucking your worms in at night with tiny little blankets. Fear not, the actual use of them is much more simple, but will help boost the productivity of your worm farm. [gallery...
Why Are Worms Escaping From My Worm Farm?
Has anyone ever noticed worms grouping up near the lid of their worm farm? There are two different things happening when worms group around the lid.....the first is when they are just hanging around but not trying to escape. The second situation is one of mass...
Wicking Beds For Water Efficient Gardens
Wicking beds are a great idea for a dry continent like Australia, as they make efficient use of an increasingly scarce resource, our precious water. With droughts becoming increasingly frequent, wicking bed systems are becoming popular. They also help time poor...
Winter Worm Farm Tips
Composting worms tend to do best in temperatures around 15 - 24 degrees celsius ( 59 F - 75.2 F). So, how do we keep a worm farm population happy and healthy when the weather outside varies a lot from season to season? This article will look at some ways to help your...
How To Turn An Old Bath Tub Into A Vermicompost Unit
In a bid to do my part in the War On Waste, I am very conscious about minimising the amount I throw in the bin or send to landfill. The idea of repurposing something that might otherwise end up wasted and then using it to stop biodegradable items heading there too is...
Myth Busting Worm Food – Citrus
Should citrus be added to the worm farm, or is it too acidic for the worms and the worm farm environment in general? I can tell you first hand that I have always added citrus to my worm farms in small quantities, with no adverse results. Citrus is in season at the...
Myth Busting Worm Food – Onion
If you search, “adding onion to worm farms” on the internet, you may find a variety of sites recommending only small amounts be added, or that it shouldn’t be added at all. I can tell you that over my many years of worm farming, I have added it in along with the other...
Myth Busting Worm Food – Pineapple
A quick search over the internet reveals many different sites saying that pineapple should not be added to worm farms. Some sites even say that pineapple could harm and even kill the worms. I love fresh pineapple and it goes into my worm farm regularly. I always...
WaterUps Wicking Bed System
Why I have partnered with WaterUps® Using WaterUps wicking bed systems can help people have success growing their own edibles and ornamental plants at home. Vegie gardeners can reduce their food miles, turning them to footsteps, which helps the environment on many...
Eremophila – The genus as a garden subject
Article by Dr Lyndal Thorburn Lyndal Thorburn is leader of the Eremophila Study Group (ESG), which was founded in South Australia in 1986, under the auspices of the Australian Native Plant Society of Australia (ANPSA). Lyndal is a Life Member of the Australian Plants...
Build A Raised Garden Bed From Old Pallets
With these step by step instructions, I will show you how to repurpose a pallet by turning it into a raised garden bed. The pallet garden bed is a wonderful DIY project and a comparably cheap way to get you on your growing journey. All the wood you need to build one...