
Plant Database

Eucalyptus cinerea – Argyle Apple

Eucalyptus cinerea – Argyle Apple

The beautiful soft blue foliage of this spreading, small to medium-sized tree is undoubtedly its most appealing aspect. Use this tree as a feature plant where its blue leaves can be used as a background to either...

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Eucalyptus torquata – Coral Gum

Eucalyptus torquata – Coral Gum

  Dazzling displays of flowers and intricately textured flower buds and gumnuts on a small to medium sized tree define this outstanding ornamental eucalypt. It makes a wonderful specimen tree that will attract birds to...

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Thryptomene saxicola ‘FC Payne’

Thryptomene saxicola ‘FC Payne’

  Masses of tiny pink flowers over a very long period and a compact low growing shrubby habit define this very useful Australian shrub. It is useful as background shrub or even as a low growing hedge plant that is...

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Araucaria bidwillii – Bunya Pine

Araucaria bidwillii – Bunya Pine

A very large, stately specimen tree that is often seen in historical gardens as it was widely planted on large country estates. Its domed shape is its very distinctive feature but it should be stressed that this tree...

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Macadamia integrifolia

Macadamia integrifolia

The macadamia is a small to large tree that bears decorative trusses of cream flowers, followed by edible, nutritious nuts. It naturally occurs in Queensland, but has spread to other parts of the world where it is grown for the nuts. It is a hardy and easy care tree...

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Melaleuca conothamnoides

Melaleuca conothamnoides

  This spectacular Western Australian plant has stunning displays of bright pink bottlebrush flowers on a compact low growing plant. Use it as a feature shrub in the garden to attract nectar feeding birds. Give it...

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Anigozanthos rufus – Kangaroo Paw

Anigozanthos rufus – Kangaroo Paw

The blazing red flowers on a tall, branched stem and the silvery grey foliage are the key features of this spectacular Western Australian plant. Use it as a feature perennial in rockeries or mixed garden beds or as a...

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Grevillea zygoloba

Grevillea zygoloba

This Western Australian grevillea gives a spectacular spring display of showy flower heads on a compact low growing plant. Use it as a feature shrub in areas with low summer rainfall. Give it a light trim after...

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Hakea francisiana – Emu Tree

Hakea francisiana – Emu Tree

The blue green foliage that is highlighted with long pinkish red flower spikes on an upright medium sized shrub are the main features of this striking Western Australian plant. Use it as a feature shrub in the garden and it is also good as a cut flower for indoor...

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Grevillea crithmifolia

Grevillea crithmifolia

The naturally dense and spreading habit and profuse flowering of this low growing grevillea are its key features. Use it as a weed suppressing ground cover or as a feature shrub in the garden. It rarely needs maintenance...

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Isopogon dubius – Rose Cone Flower

Isopogon dubius – Rose Cone Flower

The masses of rose-pink ball-shaped flower heads on a compact shrub with interesting divided foliage are the outstanding features of this tough Australian shrub. Use it as a feature plant for gardens in areas with low...

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