
Plant Database

Backhousia citriodora – Lemon Myrtle

Backhousia citriodora – Lemon Myrtle

Not only is this plant one of the best bush foods, it is also a beautiful ornamental with its glossy green aromatic leaves and fluffy white flowerheads. Whilst it is capable of growing into a small to medium sized tree, it...

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Callistemon salignus – Willow Bottlebrush

Callistemon salignus – Willow Bottlebrush

The pink to red new foliage and its yellow flowers are the best qualities of this very adaptable bottlebrush. This is one of the few bottlebrushes that grows into a tree and it can also tolerate waterlogged soils for extended periods as well as being drought tolerant...

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Blandfordia grandiflora – Christmas Bells

Blandfordia grandiflora – Christmas Bells

The red and yellow waxy flowers are a familiar Christmas decoration for many Australians. The wispy tufts of strappy narrow leaves can tend to get lost in the garden and are easier to keep track of when grown in pots, or you can place a label next to it in a garden...

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Adenanthos sericeus – Woolly Bush

Adenanthos sericeus – Woolly Bush

The wonderful soft, velvet-like texture and the silver coloured foliage are the outstanding features of this species. From the south coast of Western Australia, this plant is best suited to areas of southern Australia that...

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Actinotus helianthi – Flannel Flower

Actinotus helianthi – Flannel Flower

The shape and felt-like texture of the flowers and foliage make this one of our most iconic wildflowers. There are a number of wild forms of this species from compact bun-shaped plants to taller shrub-like habits. The flowers...

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Callistemon ‘Pink Champagne’ – Bottlebrush

Callistemon ‘Pink Champagne’ – Bottlebrush

The distinctive feature of this bottlebrush is the large soft pink flowerheads borne on an upright, large-leafed medium sized shrub. It flowers in spring and is very adaptable with regard to soil type and climatic conditions. Prune after flowering to encourage a more...

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Callistemon ‘Mount Drummer’ – Bottlebrush

Callistemon ‘Mount Drummer’ – Bottlebrush

A relatively compact bottlebrush with brilliant purplish flower heads in profusion in spring. It suits a good range of soil types and is drought tolerant once established, but will look better with regular watering in dry spells. Feed with a good native or general...

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Dampiera ‘Mallee Skies’

Dampiera ‘Mallee Skies’

  This is a beautiful little evergreen perennial Australian plant that can add a splash of blue to your garden. It flowers through spring and into early summer and is best suited to rockeries, raised beds and...

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Lechenaultia biloba – Blue Lechenaultia

Lechenaultia biloba – Blue Lechenaultia

This is one of the iconic wildflowers in the Western Australian flora. It is a prostrate herbaceous plant that comes up in profusion after bushfires in many parts of south west WA. It is occassionally offered for sale in the nursery industry but has proven difficult...

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Callistemon ‘Spotfire’ – Bottlebrush

Callistemon ‘Spotfire’ – Bottlebrush

This is a new compact bottlebrush cultivar with fine foliage, masses of red flowers in spring and an attractive pendant growth habit. It spreads into an interesting mushroom-shaped plant that makes a nice feature plant in the garden and is extremely adaptable to a...

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