This video is all about how to attract small nectar feeding birds to your garden. The hairpin banksia (Banksia spinulosa) is one of the best Australian plants for this purpose....
Australian Plant Videos
Prickly Moses wattle Acacia ulicifolia to attract small birds to your garden
Acacia ulicifolia - juniper wattle This video is about Australian plants that will provide protection and shelter for smaller birds that you may want to attract to your garden....
Banksia ‘Giant Candles’
This video introduces one of the largest flowering of all the banksias, and one that is fabulous for the garden in temperate regions that are free of heavy frost. It is reputedly a...
Creating an Australian Garden book -video
[ video_lightbox_youtube video_id="MbGPA9_Dr_0" width="640" height="360" auto_thumb="1"] This is a video about Angus Stewart's book Creating an Australian Garden. This book is a guide for people who would like to create garden based on Australian...
Banksia plagiocarpa – Hinchinbrook Island Banksia
This video describes the Hinchinbrook Island Banksia (Banksia plagiocarpa), a fantastic medium sized shrub that grows well in Australia in coastal areas from Queensland to...
Angus’s Outback Adventure
This video is all about a road trip Angus Stewart and friends did in 2011 to the NSW outback. The trip was done in the aftermath of a couple of seasons of really good rain. So...
Gastrolobium (Brachysema) Brown Butterfly -video
This is a video about an outstanding Australian ground covering plant and how to use and grow it in your garden. Botanically speaking it belongs to the genus Gastrolobium which has...
Westringia ‘Flat and Fruity’ -video
This is a video about a prostrate ground covering form of coastal rosemary (Westringia fruticosa). This species has a well deserved reputation as a tough, adaptable and reliable...
Banksia ‘Birthday Candles’
This video is about the outstanding Australian plant cultivar Banksia Birthday Candes, a dwarf plant that is very suitable for smaller gardens such as courtyards and balconies. It...
Callistemon ‘All Aglow’
This video is about a bottlebrush cultivar called All Aglow which features brightly coloured new foliage growth and rather spectacular purple-pink flowers. It grows to several...
Pandorea ‘Funky Bellz’ -video
This video is about a fabulous Australian plant cultivar called Pandorea jasminoides 'Funky Bellz'. This plant is a climber that has spectacular clusters of large pink trumpet-like...
Coronidium elatum ‘Sunny Side Up’ -video
This video is about an excellent Australian native everlasting daisy called Coronidium elatum 'Sunny Side Up'. Unlike a lot of everlasting daisies that are soft wooded in nature,...
Leptospermum ‘Vertical Drop’ video
This video is about an extremely useful prostrate Australian native tea tree cultivar called Leptospermum 'Vertical Drop'. This plant works really well spilling over embankments...