Crimson Straw Flower Seeds -Xerochrysum bracteatum


*** Approximately 70 seeds per packet ***

A low growing soft-wooded perennial which can also be used as an annual in garden bedding situations and renewed every year. This is a true breeding seed line in colours of crimson and red. A great general garden or pot plant and a brilliant cut flower, attracting butterflies and small moths.

A good heat tolerant plant, performs best in full sun but will tolerate light shade. Tip pruning the plants when young will help form more compact plants and give more flowers. While they are drought tolerant once established, dry soil conditions will reduce the flowering. Feed with a good native fertiliser during warm weather. To preserve the flowers, pick while in bud and hang upside down until dry.

SEED SOWING – Sow in spring and autumn, can also be sown in summer if not too hot. If sowing direct where they are to grow, sprinkle lightly around and gently rake in. It is not critical to cover all the seed. Germination will be around 7 to 14 days. If sowing in containers, use a good quality seed raising mix and sprinkle seeds thinly over the soil surface. Give just a sprinkle of seed mix over them, as they should be very close to the surface of the soil, buried too deeply and they may die before they can emerge. Water with fine mist spray so as not to wash the seed away. Place in a warm shaded or semi-shaded position to avoid drying  and keep moist but not wet, and avoid drying out or waterlogging.

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The Gardening With Angus seed range is a mix of species  that are either wild sourced from licensed harvesters or superior species selections grown in cultivation. The seeds are thoroughly tested for quality, viability & germination. They are meticulously cleaned followed by oxygen deprivation storage, before being sealed for freshness within a heat sealed seed sachet.